The Good And Bad Of Influencer Marketing

Social media growth has brought a variety of challenges for various brands and marketing agents. There has been a steep decline in traditional media and advertisement. Thus a more unique taste has to be brought up to entice the audience. This requires a creative field like the influencer marketing field.

You must’ve seen various Instagram hashtags which say #influencers, but what does that really mean? Social media influencers are social media users who have established themselves in a specific field. They have become the face of credibility. Due to their large pool of followers, they can persuade their audience group too. Since they have a positive relationship with their audience base, they are seen as genuine. These influencers would motivate about fitness and some would motivate about body positivity, etc.

Influencer Marketing Statistics (Source:

Influencer marketing targets a strategy that focuses on certain individuals only to market their products or tools. It is seen as the most popular guerrilla strategy in the last decade. When one searches on Google about influencer marketing, it will show the rapid growth of it from 57% in 2015 to 98% in 2018! This shows the development and profit that people are gaining from this practice. For every USD 1, you spend on targeted influencer marketing, you will get back USD 6.50 on average! You too can dip your fingers in influencer marketing and create your own mark.

Here are some pointers for beginners and pro alike. Read ahead and you can then decide if influencer marketing suits you or not.