Earning Money Through Patreon – What You Need To Know

Photographer: Artem Beliaikin | Source: Unsplash

In older times, artists would approach political leaders and wealthy people for patronage. Now, as the world has managed to get simultaneously bigger and smaller, things are slightly more difficult. But if you’re the creative type, here’s something for you to consider – have you tried earning money through Patreon?

At this stage, you might ask, what is Patreon? It is literally a website that helps you get patrons for your work. Through www.patreon.com you can reach out to an online audience and sell them monthly memberships in exchange for exclusive views into your work. This is an amazing platform because you are assured a steady flow of income and you can work on creating content without the stress of having to look for cash flow.

Simply put, Patreon is a cost-effective way to grow a fan base and to get paid for the amazing work you do. So how do you start earning money through Patreon? Below are some tips that will serve you well.

1. Build Your Audience

This is the obvious first step. People won’t immediately flock to your page to see what you’re up to. Use your other social media accounts and keep sharing your work. There’s no reason to feel bad about posting the same thing a number of times. It is often necessary to do this to keep content from being buried under the constant barrage of information on the internet. Interactive videos also help people relate to you and the work you’re putting up. Keep people interested with little teasers and newsletters.

2. Make It Worth Their While

People are coming to your Patreon page to see YOU. So, if you want to start earning money through Patreon, you need to ensure they aren’t disappointed. Make them feel special by offering them exclusive content that you don’t share anywhere else. Alternately, you can also run contests and giveaways to keep the excitement up. When people come to your Patreon page, there should be something of value which they can only get through the subscription.

3. Be Realistic

When you’re earning money through Patreon, or at least attempting to do so, don’t start out by shooting for the moon. Set realistic goals for yourself and work towards them. You can also share your goals with your followers so that they feel encouraged to help you get there. For example, you can promise them more work once you start earning a certain amount. Or you can promise to release some bonus content for the same. But keep in mind that you need to fulfill these promises as soon as you can so that your viewers don’t feel scammed.

4. Express Your Gratitude

Patreon has a lovely option called a ThankTab. You can write a sweet note of thanks that every patron will get when they first subscribe to your work. Make sure that the note is consistent with the kind of person you are and the kind of content you put up. Don’t hesitate to get all warm and fuzzy when writing it. Customer loyalty is won by letting people know that you’re grateful for their support.

When you’re earning money through Patreon, or at least attempting to do so, don’t start out by shooting for the moon. Set realistic goals for yourself and work towards them. You can also share your goals with your followers so that they feel encouraged to help you get there. For example, you can promise them more work once you start earning a certain amount. Or you can promise to release some bonus content for the same. But keep in mind that you need to fulfill these promises as soon as you can so that your viewers don’t feel scammed.

5. Stick With It

Earning money on Patreon isn’t easy. People aren’t going to start paying you as soon as you get a page set up. If possible, ensure that you have something to get by on in the first couple of months. Work hard on delivering quality content and understand that these things take time. Perseverance will get you everywhere so don’t be impatient. To all the hopeful artists out there, good luck and godspeed!