If You’re Reading This You’re Distracted – Here’s Why (& How To Fix It)

is detrimental to our focus and health: both mental and physical.

Diving into how this self-imposed busyness is not only causing illness by constantly pumping our bodies with cortisol and adrenaline, but is collectively decreasing our intelligence and making us less creative. And yet, we can’t seem to let it go. It defines us, giving us a false sense of importance. If we’re constantly busy, then we’re desired. Needed.

“We have managed to inextricably intertwine our identities and our value with our ‘busy-ness’ while simultaneously becoming ever more afraid to face the parts of ourselves we’ve left, or maybe even hidden, in the abyss of nothingness.”
– Jara Dekker

Having determined that we’re in dire need of white space in our lives; it’s equally important to recognize the way you design the time you do structure has a major influence on your success.